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Server Loader

If you want to override the default main server script, this section will be helpful. The ServerLoader object is what controls the whole crosswalk lifecycle: it will load the given modules, connect remotes and run special functions.

Overriding the Default Entrypoint

Although it may seem like an obvious step, make sure that you are not using the default provided Main script.

  1. Create a new entrypoint to initialize crosswalk. Insert a Script in ServerScriptService for example.
  2. In that script, require the ServerLoader class.
  3. Create a new object of that class using the new constructor. It should look like local loader ={ ... }). Three list should be provided to the constructor, one for each kind of modules (server, client and shared).
  4. Call the start method.

Overall, it should be similar to this:

local ServerStorage = game:GetService('ServerStorage')
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage')

local ServerLoader = require(ServerStorage:WaitForChild('ServerLoader'))

local loader ={
    serverModules = ServerStorage:WaitForChild('ServerModules'):GetChildren(),
    clientModules = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('ClientModules'):GetChildren(),
    sharedModules = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('SharedModules'):GetChildren(),
    -- put other configuration values to override:
    -- to provide modules that are not going to get linked and connected by
    -- crosswalk, use `externalModules`
    externalModules = {
        Llama = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('Llama')),
    -- this will make crosswalk print a bunch of information to the output
    logLevel = 'debug'
    -- kick players that send unexpected input to server functions
    onUnapprovedExecution = function(player)
    -- ...



To construct a new ServerLoader object, call the new function:

The configuration parameter is a table that contains the values presented here.

field type description
serverModules ModuleScript list a list of server modules to load
clientModules ModuleScript list a list of client modules to load
sharedModules ModuleScript list a list of shared modules to load
externalModules { [string]: any } a dictionary that maps a module name to its implementation
logLevel 'error', 'warn', 'info' or 'debug' Defines what will crosswalk's reporter outputs to the console. Default is 'warn'
onSecondPlayerRequest function (optional) a function that gets called when a player tries to obtain de initial remote setup information more than once
onKeyError function (optional) a function that gets called when a player sends the wrong key to a remote
onKeyMissing function (optional) a function that gets called when a player calls a remote
onUnapprovedExecution function (optional) a function that gets called when a call to a server module function exposed to clients does not validate and the server module does not have a OnUnapprovedExecution function defined
remoteCallMaxDelay number (optional) the maximum amount of time the server waits for players to send back data when doing a remote function request
customModuleFilter (ModuleScript) -> boolean (optional) Provide a function to filter modules that are not regular crosswwalk modules. crosswalk will not automatically call Init, Start, OnPlayerReady or OnPlayerLeaving functions on these modules. Defaults to a filter that selects ModuleScript with names ending with Class
excludeModuleFilter (ModuleScript) -> boolean (optional) Provide a function that excludes ModuleScripts from loading at all. Defaults to a filter that removes ModuleScript with names ending with .spec or .test


To initialize crosswalk on the server side, call the start method on the ServerLoader object:

-- first, create a new object
local serverLoader ={
    serverModules = ServerStorage.ServerModules:GetChildren(),
    clientModules = ReplicatedStorage.ClientModules:GetChildren(),
    sharedModules = ReplicatedStorage.SharedModules:GetChildren(),
    logLevel = 'warn',
    onSecondPlayerRequest = function(player) --[[ ... ]] end,
    onKeyError = function(player, moduleName, functionName) --[[ ... ]] end,
    onKeyMissing = function(player, moduleName, functionName) --[[ ... ]] end,
    onUnapprovedExecution = function(player, info)
            ('Function %s.%s called by player `%s` (id:%d) was not approved'):format(
    remoteCallMaxDelay = 2,
-- start crosswalk!