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Client Modules


return function(Modules, ServerModules, Services)
    local module = {}

    -- function definitions

    return module
argument description
Modules A table that contains all the other client modules
ServerModules A table with all the server module functions exposed to the client
Services A table to access Roblox services, handy when you want to test your modules

Calling Client Modules

The Modules table makes it really easy to communicate with any other client modules. All you need is to index the table with the module name and then you can access its functions. For example, if you have a module called ModuleA that defines a function named Print:

-- ClientModules/ModuleA.lua
return function(Modules, ServerModules, Services)
    local module = {}

    function module.Print(value)
        print('from ModuleA:', value)

    return module

You can access the ModuleA from any other client module by using Modules.ModuleA:

-- ClientModules/ModuleB.lua
return function(Modules, ServerModules, Services)
    local module = {}

    function module.Example()

    return module

Calling Server Modules

The ServerModules table works exactly like the Modules table, except that you will only be able to call functions that are exposed as remote events or remote functions (ending with _event or _func). For example:


More information can be found on the server module page.

Exposing Functions to Server Modules

In order to be able to call a function from any server modules, a suffix needs to be added to the function name. There is only two suffixes that you can use, which depends on the type of function you have.

suffix use case
_event for functions that do not return any value
_func for functions that returns something

The next example shows the three possible types for a function in a client module.

-- the DoSomething function is callable from client modules and server modules.
-- the server won't receive any return value
return function(Modules, ClientModules, Services)
    local module = {}

    function module.DoSomething_event()
        print('DoSomething called!')

    return module
-- the DoSomething function is callable from client modules and server modules.
-- the return value will be sent back to the server when it's called
return function(Modules, ClientModules, Services)
    local module = {}

    function module.DoSomething_func()
        return 'DoSomething called!'

    return module
-- the DoSomething function is callable only from other client modules
return function(Modules, ClientModules, Services)
    local module = {}

    function module.DoSomething()
        print('DoSomething called!')

    return module

Calling Exposed Functions

Even if the function name ends with a suffix, exposed functions are called without their suffix. That means that if a function is declared as DoSomething_event, DoSomething_func, you can call it using only DoSomething.

From Server Modules

Since the call is made from the server to the client module, you need to provide the player which will be invoked, but that parameter won't be passed to the client function. The following example

return function(Modules, ClientModules, Services)
    local module = {}

    function module.SayHelloToPlayer(player)
        ClientModules.SomeClientModule.PrintToLocalConsole(player, 'Hello')

    return module
return function(Modules, ServerModules, Services)
    local module = {}

    function module.PrintToLocalConsole_event(message)
        print('LocalConsole:', message)

    return module

You can also call every client by appending All to the function name. So for example, if you want to call the function from the previous example to all players, you can use the function name appended with All function.

-- call all players in the game
-- call one specific player
ClientModules.SomeClientModule.PrintToLocalConsole(player, 'Hello')

From Client Modules

Even if the function is exposed to server modules, you can also call it from other client modules. Here is an example with a module named ModuleA that calls ModuleB:

return function(Modules, ServerModules, Services)
    local module = {}

    function module.Greet(player)

    return module
return function(Modules, ServerModules, Services)
    local module = {}

    function module.PrintToLocalConsole_event(message)
        print('LocalConsole:', message)

    return module