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crosswalk is able to call functions with specific names for you. The following section will list and explain what those functions are. All you have to do is to declared them in any crosswalk module and they will be call automatically.


The Init function is the first function called in a module by crosswalk. Each function is ran one after another, so it is important that any Init function does not block (i.e. don't do infinite loops there). The order in which the functions are ran is random.

function module.Init()
    -- initialize stuff here


After running each Init functions for all the server modules, crosswalk will run each Start function. So it is safe to assume that each Init function has been called, but you can't assume any other Start function is ran before another. These functions are ran sequentially, so they must not loop indefinitely, just like Init functions.

function module.Start()
    -- initialize stuff here that needs to happen after all `Init` functions


Instead of connecting to the PlayerAdded event, use this function. This will ensure that crosswalk is all initialized, so all module communication is ready.

function module.OnPlayerReady(player)
    -- called after `Init` and `Start` with the player object

The OnPlayerReady function can be defined on server modules or client modules.


This function removes the need to connect to the PlayerRemoving event. This will ensure that crosswalk is all initialized, so all module communication is ready.

function module.OnPlayerLeaving(player)
    -- called with the player object


The OnPlayerLeaving function is only available for server modules. It will not be called if used in client or shared modules.


This function gets automatically called when another function called by a client is not approved. This happens when a server module function exposed to clients (using _event or _func) returns false to indicate that it did not validate correctly.

function module.OnUnapprovedExecution(player, info)
    -- player called the function named `info.functionName`

The second parameter is a table that contains the following information:

field type description
functionName string The function's name that was called by the player that did not validate


The OnUnapprovedExecution function is only available for server modules. It will not be called if used in client or shared modules.