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Shared Modules


return function(SharedModules, Services, isServer)
    local module = {}

    return module
argument description
SharedModules A table that contains all the other shared modules
Services A table to access Roblox services, handy when you want to test your modules
isServer A boolean that indicates if the shared module is loaded from the server or the client

Calling Shared Modules

The SharedModules table makes it really easy to communicate with any other shared modules. All you need is to index the table with the module name and then you can access its functions. For example, if you have a first module called ModuleA that defines a function named Print:

-- SharedModules/ModuleA.lua
return function(SharedModules, Services, isServer)
    local module = {}

    function module.Print(value)
        print('from ModuleA:', value)

    return module

You can access the ModuleA from any other module by getting it from the SharedModules table as SharedModules.ModuleA:

-- SharedModules/ModuleB.lua
return function(SharedModules, Services, isServer)
    local module = {}

    function module.Example()

    return module