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Client Modules

Link to complete guide


return function(Modules, ClientModules, Services)
    local module = {}

    return module


Since functions exposed in client modules are meant to be called from the server, the communication can be trusted. That is why there is no variant on security levels.

suffix description
_event Callable from server modules
_func Callable from server modules with a return value

Server Modules

Link to complete guide


return function(Modules, ClientModules, Services)
    local module = {}

    return module


To expose a function as callable from the client (using a RemoteEvent):

suffix security
_event Exchanging new security key each call
_risky_event Exchanging the same security key everytime
_danger_event No security keys exchanged

To expose a function as callable from the client but with a return value (using a RemoteFunction):

suffix security
_func Exchanging new security key each call
_risky_func Exchanging the same security key everytime
_danger_func No security keys exchanged


Since the exposed function is meant to be called from a client module, the function needs to return a boolean that validate the execution. See the server modules guide for more info.

Shared Modules

Link to complete guide


return function(isServer, SharedModules, Services)
    local module = {}

    return module


name parameters description
Init First function called
Start Called after all Init functions
OnPlayerReady Player Called after Init and Start with the local player
OnPlayerLeaving Player Called when a player leaves the game (only in server modules)
OnUnapprovedExecution Player, info table Called when a player calls a server module function that does not validate